Saturday, January 31, 2009

Abraham-Hicks: Feeling our way to our reality

About six weeks ago I had a very pure feeling of "having" something that I had long desired. It was mine!

That feeling was so delicious that I was glad that what I wanted wasn't in my life yet. Although I do want to have those things I desire, my joy wasn't attached to anything at all. I felt free! And I enjoyed that feeling so much that I immediately wanted it to be the way I lived every day.

I've been doing the work of aligning my thinking the best I can when I run across the speed bumps in my life. I'm beginning to understand that when contrast happens it is an opportunity to lift myself into good feeling thoughts. Like the pilot that corrects his heading, I can feel that I am actually creating my feelings as I think. When I stop looking to the outside world as the source of my good or bad feelings -- and when I deliberately choose good feeling thoughts instead -- I can soar!

There are just a few of the benefits:

1. When I start working on a new desire I have the "knowing" feeling that my deliberately chosen thoughts are true whether I totally believe them yet or not. It helps me trust the process.
2. I feel I already "have" what I want. Abe says the only reason we want anything is because we think we will feel good by having it. Now I live it right then and there.
3. Feeling good isn't attached to having, doing, or being anything. It's just mine. This is freedom to me.
4. I'm not bound by past experiences -- I can choose a new response right now.
5. I notice that it's becoming easier and easier to change my thinking.
6. I'm noticing big changes in my relationships, quickly.
7. This is so much fun that I look for even more good feeling thoughts just for the joy of the process.
8. Having, being, or doing is for the joy of it -- not because I need it to feel good.
9. And whoohoo I feel like a kid at Christmas -- I'm molding the clay of my experience and I'm excited to see what will manifest so I can enjoy it and play some more!

This is some of the wisdom that inspired me to realize my thoughts create and are not attached to any appearances in the physical world:

ON THE ESSENTIAL POWER OF THOUGHT: But each of you chooses the degree of satisfaction, contentment, peace, love, joy, or ecstasy that you will experience, for there is a broad range of that which may be experienced, and it all hinges upon your willingness to make decisions about what you want, and your belief, or knowing, that that which you think, is.


The Universe is not responding to your reality. The Universe is responding to
your perception of your reality and so when you deliberately take an emotional journey you offer a vibration that causes Law Of Attraction to respond to you differently.

Abraham-Hicks, Kansas City, KS, 9/14/05

It's not your job to create anybody else's reality. It's your job to create your own reality. And if you will choose things that feel good while you're thinking about it, you're going to have one whopping of a good reality.

Abraham-Hicks, November 23, 2002

You've trained yourself to face reality. You've trained yourself to tell the truth. You've trained yourself to tell it like it is. So in the beginning, these fantasies feel a little inappropriate, because it's like you're fooling yourself. Sometimes people will say, "Well, isn't this just denial?" And we say, we hope so! We hope that you are denying the absence that you do not want. And we hope that you are embracing the presence of what you do. But somehow the idea of denial has become a dirty word to you; like it is virtuous to face the reality of the horror of your own lives. And we would be ignoring anything that did not please us. We would get our eyes on what feels good.

Abraham-Hicks, March 9, 2001

There is no reason to worry about your thoughts, for they are not like a loaded gun that wreak powerful and instantaneous destruction. For you have plenty of time - as soon as you become aware of negative feelings - to begin to choose other less-resistant thoughts and choose a more desired outcome.


Once you envision something and the Universal forces come into play to help you in the creation of it, there's never again going to be enough action for you to keep up with it. You can't use the Energy that creates worlds to create a situation and then find the action to keep up with it. You have to keep envisioning. You have to keep imagining it better.

Abraham-Hicks, G-10/12/97, Rye, NY

The only thing that makes the difference in the way you feel right now is the thought that you are thinking right now. It doesn't matter how much money you've got; there are joyful people with no money, and there are unhappy people with lots of money. How you feel is about how you are allowing the Source that is You to flow. So when we talk about the Art of Allowing, we're talking about the art of living; about the art of thriving; about the art of clarity. We're talking about the art of being who you really are.

Abraham-Hicks, July 20, 2002

Just as the sculptor or the artist gains his satisfaction, not from the finished work, you, too, have come forth for the sheer joy of molding the clay of the Universe into the work of art that you identify as your physical life experience.

Abraham-Hicks, A New Beginning II, ppg. 84-85

....Trust that the events you are experiencing are moving you where you want to go. You are not off your path if something happens that you don't enjoy, you are just experiencing the clutter that you THOUGHT stood in your way. Nothing stands in your way. Your desires are manifested, they are real, they DO EXIST right here and right now. Freedom is trust. The clutter can dissolve in an instant. It can dissolve when you change your thoughts. It can dissolve when you relax....

~From "Freedom" channeled in Words of Well-Being, January 24, 2007, by Suzanne

You summon with the clarity of desire. And, we say to you, just relax and trust. That if you can want it, the Universe has yielded it and now its time for you to just relax. Not watching for evidence but trusting that the evidence will show up everywhere you turn ... and it is our promise to you, that it will.

Abraham-Hicks, Boston, MA, 10/05/02
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

Words of Well-Being © 2007 by Suzanne.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Abraham-Hicks: 10 life-changing benefits of pivoting

Anytime that you are feeling negative emotion, you are in a very good position to identify what it is that you are, in that moment, wanting -- because never are you clearer about what you do want than when you are experiencing what you do not want. And so, stop, in that moment and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want...That is the Process of Pivoting.

Abraham-Hicks, Money, and the Law of Attraction, p. 24

The benefits of pivoting are incredible!

1. You are in a state of continuous positive feelings which means you are attracting all of those good things you desire.

2. As you pay attention to the feelings of inner guidance you become more and more aware of what is important to you.

3. With every pivot you have greater clarity about what you want and the positive feelings draw you closer to it.

4. Pivoting is the process through which you chew upon the data of life, determining your ever-changing point of desire.

5. Pivoting is recognizing that when you are feeling negative emotion, that you are, in that moment of feeling bad, attracting that which you consider bad, and then making a conscious decision to stop that attraction and begin a positive attraction.

6. Pivoting is the process of changing your thought, word, or action, thus changing your emotional response.

7. Pivoting is the process where you recognize, by the negative emotion that you are feeling, that you are taking the Non-physical Energy of the Universe and directing it toward what you do not want, or toward the lack of what you do want.

8. Pivoting is the process whereby you round up any renegade Energy that you have offered in opposition to what you want, and get it going in the direction of your desire.

9. Pivoting is the process that changes the direction of your creating, or more specifically stated, the direction of your attracting.

10. Pivoting is the process that brings you into balance with your core intentions.

The process of pivoting -- literally watching for opportunities, or reasons, to identify what it is you do want -- because you are currently feeling bad because you are focused upon what you do NOT want -- is the key to lead you to the productive, joyful physical life experience that you intended even before your emergence into this physical body....

Just as the sculptor or the artist gains his satisfaction, not from the finished work, you, too, have come forth for the sheer joy of molding the clay of the Universe into the work of art that you identify as your physical life experience.

Abraham-Hicks, A New Beginning II, ppg. 84-85
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

If you enjoyed this post then you might just love:

Abraham-Hicks: Pivoting to feeling good all day

Abraham-Hicks: The window of opportunity is always open

Everything you want flows to you through loving who you are

Grace and Abraham-Hicks

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Abraham-Hicks: Pivoting to feeling good all day

For a few months I've been working on fine-tuning my work with Abraham's concepts. The energy stream is fast moving and dipping down to whack through the tops of trees as I resist isn't the fun I'd like to be having. I have been trying different techniques to keep balanced and soaring smoothly -- still there's bump...bump...bump!

I've learned a lot though. I'm beginning to appreciate that when I hit the bumps I really do have a clearer idea of what I do want. I don't need to hit bumps to have clarity, but it is something I can appreciate in the experience. Most of all, I appreciate the effectiveness of techniques Abraham offers to stay in the fast-moving stream of those good feelings.

Currently, I've been drawn to pivoting. Sometimes I ask and open books for answers. About a month ago I opened to five different pages in two books, one right after another, about pivoting and I'll focus on it now.

For us to be in alignment with our desires, we choose to focus on that which feels good. This is why pivoting is important to practice:

Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings.

Abraham-Hicks, Portland, OR, July 11, 1999

Pivoting is a way to see contrast and quickly turn our focus to "Yes, I want this!" Here's the process of pivoting:

Anytime that you are feeling negative emotion, you are in a very good position to identify what it is that you are, in that moment, wanting -- because never are you clearer about what you do want than when you are experiencing what you do not want. And so, stop, in that moment and say: Something is important here; otherwise, I would not be feeling this negative emotion. What is it that I want? And then simply turn your attention to what you do want... In the moment you turn your attention to what you want, the negative attraction will stop; and in the moment the negative attraction stops, the positive attraction will begin. And -- in that moment -- your feeling will change from not feeling good to feeling good. That is the Process of Pivoting.

Abraham-Hicks, Money, and the Law of Attraction, p. 24

The process of pivoting will assist you in changing your negative point of attraction to a positive point of attraction....

The more you apply this process, the more proficient you will become. And the faster the pivot will occur. You will know, or recognize when you have successfully accomplished a pivot -- when you feel better.

If you are very sensitive to the way that you feel, you may find one hundred to one thousand opportunities to pivot in just one day. However, there will not be one hundred or one thousand different things that you want. You will begin to discover that all of this pivoting is pointing to a few things that are extremely important to you: Freedom, usually highest in priority. Growth. Joy. Upliftment.

Abraham-Hicks, A New Beginning II, pp. 83-84.

I have found a lot of relief in realizing that just by asking myself what I do want, I turn downstream to Well-Being. It's that easy!

And last, but not least, day-to-day it's important to remember that we are eternal beings:

You are magnificent beings, in the perfect place at the perfect time, unfolding perfectly, never getting it done, and never getting it wrong. Be more playful about all of it.

"Today, no matter where I'm going, no matter what I am doing, and no matter who I'm doing it with -- it is my dominant intent to look for that which I'm wanting to see. I'm wanting to find thoughts and words and actions that feel good while I'm finding them. For in doing so, I am, in the moment, practicing the art of allowing all that I've been telling the Universe I'm wanting, for all of the days of my existence."

Abraham-Hicks, Asheville, NC, October 29, 2000
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

If you like this post, you might like reading about other techniques to soar in good feelings every day:

10 unexpected benefits of Abraham-Hicks' segment intending

Abraham-Hicks -- look for the positive aspect

Abraham-Hicks: Making choices

Abraham-Hicks: You have the choice to feel better in this moment

Bashar: Everything we desire is contained in following our excitement

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Thoughts about the inauguration of President Barack Obama

I just watched the inauguration of our 44th President, Barack Hussein Obama. My reaction was unexpected, but interesting. I had been so taken by him, so focused on the possibilities he represented that he had a mythic quality in my mind that was greater than the man.

During the inauguration I didn't feel that and after it was over I realized what I had been feeling -- I had been experiencing that he is just a man after all.

And the thing is -- the wonderous, wonderful thing is -- that it is even more incredible to me that this person ... this man ... this fellow American ... can create the powerful grassroots movement that he has. That he can pull together a team of cabinet secretaries and government workers with such high qualifications of character and experience. That this man can raise the hopes of the whole world. It's not just happening here in America, there are leaders and citizens of other countries that are inspired to make change in their own lives and hopeful of his influence on the global community.

He calls me to take action on my hopes and dreams for myself and for this country. He calls me to believe in the best in me and for that alone I thank him.

Now we begin to co-create. What an adventure!!

Contrary to what many of our physical friends believe, life on planet Earth is at its all-time best… and getting better! This powerful and accurate statement is not only based on our observation of the intricate details of life on Earth, but also on our knowledge of the powerful laws of the Universe and our understanding that all things are eternally expanding and improving.


This is not a haphazard Universe in which you live. It is a very well defined, perfectly organized Universe. Your only work is get in alignment with the perfection of it, which means that you must believe that all is well, and in that moment that you believe that all is well - everything that touches you is well.

Abraham-Hicks, May 11, 1992

There are no quick fixes to society, in general, but there is a quick fix to you as teacher. You can get happy right now. You can see it not as a problem, but as an opportunity. You can see it not as something that needs to be fixed, but as co-creation, out here on the leading edge, expanding.

Abraham-Hicks, March 10, 2001

You're always getting a perfect vibrational match to what you predominantly give your attention to. But you've got to make the best of it. You've got to vibrate slightly different from where you are if you are going to improve where you are. You can't keep taking score of where your business is or your relationship is, or your body is, without continuing to create it as it is. To make improvement, you've got to reach for a different thought.

Abraham-Hicks, December 6, 2003

You are extensions of pure, positive creative energy, and when you are not deliberately flowing the energy toward what you want, life is flat. Friends, this is not piddly little energy! This energy keeps your earth spinning in its orbit, in perfect proximity to other planets. We THINK it can help you be happy in your house!

All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

Monday, January 19, 2009

My experience: Abraham-Hicks: You never get it done

Yesterday I had a very powerful experience in alignment, taking a big fork in the road in choosing Well-Being: The best I can do is good enough. I had a wonderful day afterwards. I felt good and it was one of those days where everything clicked into place.

Yesterday felt so big that I was surely on that path. I was there. I'm happy ever after, right? Um, well...not exactly. I have to laugh today because I still have to choose! I am still on the path, but I still have to choose Well-Being moment by moment during the day.

Friends, you never get it done. We never get it done. You, we never get it done. It can never be done. If it could ever be done, we would not be eternal. It cannot be done -- if we could ever get it done, we would be done, we would be dead. There is not that kind of dead...there is only eternal life experience.

Abraham-Hicks, Boston, MA, October 5, 2002

What I sense is that there is another understanding of deliberate creation that is now available to me. I was aware of it before, but I didn't have access to it to work on. Now that I have cleared the way a bit more, I can feel that it is the next idea for me to remember about how it all works:

People say, "The joy is in the journey," but they rarely understand what they are saying. You are in this focused time/space reality with goals and objectives that call you because as you identify a desire it literally summons life through you. Life summoning through you is what it's all about --it's not the completion of anything.

Abraham-Hicks, Chicago, IL., 11/1/98

The next great adventure is to remember that the only reason for the platform of my experience is to provide me the opportunity to shoot off a desire -- which is answered. It is to trust that the Universe not only answers, but gives to me joyfully and with a greater beauty than I could imagine in this moment. It is to remember that all I have to do is feel joy -- that's my work -- to feel the joy of this loving Universe flowing in me and through me.

The adventure continues!
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Turning downstream - the best I can do is good enough

We are not held back by the love we didn't receive in the past, but by the love we're not extending in the present.

Marianne Williamson in her book, A Return to Love

This quote really caught my attention. On a Google search I found two or three blogs that used this quote as a springboard to talk about love and they all focused on relationships and usually in the context of foregiveness.

Those are worthy thoughts to focus on, but when I read this I just read the word "love." As Abraham tells us, we are liquid love extending into this life experience. So the love that is ours to extend is who we are -- our passions and interests. That is our purpose in this physical experience -- to live our lives fully and joyfully.

I came to a place yesterday where I just felt tired of struggling with the manifestations of old beliefs. They just don't matter. All that matters to me is that I feel good.

This is as far as I want to go with the old and I surrender. I am at that place of ashes where the phoenix is rising. Ashes might not sound appealing so it might be surprising to say this is a very good feeling place. I feel the relief of letting go of trying to fix the past. I feel free.

And coming around to Marianne's quote, what I'm doing is listening to what I really want to do in this very moment -- letting go of shoulds or oughts or any thinking like that. I'm using the tools I've learned from Abraham and I feel like I am literally creating my life and my future experience in this moment. I am ready for it!

It's cold here and we had snow this morning -- big fluffy, soft flakes that filled the sky. Now the sun is out, the sky is blue, and the air is crisp and fresh. I love nature and weather and all of the critters that roam the earth. I love writing and thinking and being a deliberate creator. I love you, Abe! This is the love that flows through me in appreciation for the gift of this earth and sky, in appreciation for this wonderful body and imaginative mind, in appreciation for your joy-seeking self who is reading this looking for something interesting that feels good to read.

For me a return to love is being at peace with who I am right now and just making a choice to feel good in each moment. It is accepting that I do the best I can every moment of the day and my best is good enough. I don't have to be perfect to feel good and I don't even have to be perfect to manifest good things I desire.

All really is well.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Abraham-Hicks: Vibration and manifestation

The thoughts that you think will -- wanted or not wanted -- eventually become manifestation if your vibrational accord is sufficient enough... And so, you could say, as you're launching thoughts of appreciation and things that make you feel good, that you're filling your Vibrational Escrow full of all kinds of things that are going to please you when you get there.

Abraham-Hicks, Sacramento, CA, July 27, 2005

This is the Abraham quote for today and when I read it I had an experience: I could feel how some not-so-good-feeling thoughts I have are so familiar - not only from my own childhood, but thoughts my family thought then and now. I work on them, I turn downstream, and yet I could feel how familiar they are. There is much good in this realization though. For one thing I could also feel that they are just thoughts -- familiar or not, they are not me and I didn't feel fear of having them. And I can also feel that I am working on changing them. I don't have to know how the Universe will manifest the change. My work is to just change my thinking until the new desired good-feeling beliefs are the comfortable, familiar ones.

The Abraham quotes for several days now have been about vibration so I'll include those below. I find it fascinating to think that everything is vibrating and by choosing thoughts that have the vibration of our desire -- we allow manifestation.

Whatever you are giving your attention to is already vibrating. And when you give your attention to it, if you maintain your focus for as little as 17 seconds, you begin to include its vibration, whatever it is, in your vibration. When you see something you want, and you give it your attention, and you say yes to it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. When you see something you do not want, and you shout no at it, you are including whatever its vibration is in your vibration. In this vibrational world, which is everything, you are far more vibrational beings than you are verbal beings. You are communicating with everyone far more on a vibrational basis, than you are on a verbal basis.

Abraham-Hicks, Portland, OR, July 11, 1999

So the big question is, "Well, do I just dump all those unwanted things and try to start fresh?" And we say, no. You just set the Tone, where you are, by looking for things to appreciate. And by setting your Tone in a very clear deliberate way, anything that doesn't match it gravitates out of your experience, and anything that does match it gravitates into your experience. It is so much simpler than most of you are allowing yourself to believe.

Abraham-Hicks, Boston, MA, October 4, 1997

You are on the leading edge of thought, taking thought beyond that which it has been before. Who cares what thoughts have led up to this. You're standing in the fresh now, and many of the thoughts that you vehemently oppose are the very thoughts that have given you the desire that has attracted the clarity of where you now stand. No matter how awful you think they might be, all were of value in the evolution forward. Every one of them.

Abraham-Hicks, Philadelphia, PA, April 14th, 1998

Within the seed of your desire is everything necessary for it to blossom to fulfillment. And Law of Attraction is the engine that does the work. Your work is just to give it a fertile growing place in order to expand.

Abraham-Hicks, Albuquerque, NM, May 9, 1999

Never mind what-is. Imagine it the way you want it to be so that your vibration is a match to your desire. When your vibration is a match to your desire, all things in your experience will gravitate to meet that match every time.

Abraham-Hicks, Boca Raton, FL, January 12, 1997

All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Bashar: Everything we desire is contained in following our excitement

I've loved the work of changing my thinking in a deliberate way, but now I'm looking for something quicker and even easier. I've asked this loving Universe for a more flowing way of co-creation and the answer came in several ways -- one important one was a YouTube video of Bashar, Finding your Highest Excitement.

Bashar is a wise and loving being from our future who has very high, positive energy and speaks with humor about how we manifest. I'm working to change my thinking to thoughts that are flowing with Well-Being in areas like job and health where I interact and co-create with others who have different beliefs. I was delighted to discover Bashar's "how to" guide to creating all that we desire in a very practical, easy way -- following our excitement.

There were several "aha's" for me:

  • What is exciting in the moment is connected to the bigger desires we have.
  • Following our excitement is the shortest path to manifest what we want.
  • Excitement contains everything we need. We don't need to worry about any other considerations.
  • Even if the same conditions manifest around us, we will know we have changed because we respond differently. [This is SO helpful because it provides that bridge for any lag time between the old pattern and manifestation of new beliefs. Abraham would call this a sign post on the journey that lets us know we are going in the right direction.]
This is my transcript of key ideas from Bashar's YouTube video, Finding your Highest Excitement. Bashar is answering a guest's question about what to do with all the things she needs to consider to make decisions.

Bashar: [You think you need to consider everything, but you don't.] You see, when you understand what excitement is, you'll realize why you don't have to always look at every single detail in order to know what to do. Now, let's talk about this on two levels primarily.

The most fundamental level is this: When we talk about the idea of acting on your joy to the best of your ability we mean in every given moment on anything. It doesn't have to be a career thing, but they're connected. So, in other words, if right now out of all the options you have when you leave this discussion with us. Out of all of the options you have available to you that you could choose to do. If you look at all the options and you realize that simply taking a walk or driving your car or calling a friend is the most exciting thing out of all the options -- that's the thing to do. Just because it's the most exciting. You don't need a reason why. It's the excitement that tells you that's the next thing you need to do.

And, here's the other level: It's the excitement in the simple things that tells you what simple things are actually connected to the bigger things that excite you. And will actually get you there in what may seem to be a round about manner, but by following the excitement is actually the shortest, fastest, straightest path.

So, every moment, if you simply choose the thing that excites you the most at that moment -- out of all the things that you have available to you that you have the best ability to actually take action on -- do it. Take action on that thing. When you can take action on that thing no further, look around for the next most exciting thing you have the greatest ability to take action on and do that. Whatever it is. Even if it doesn't seem connected to anything else, do it. Because the excitement tells you it is connected.

Now. Once you start doing that, once you get into that pattern, you will sensitize yourself to the idea of excitement. You'll become a better sensor for the concept of what does excite you and what doesn't. And you won't create so many things to consider before you will simply be willing to take action on your excitement.

Not only because of that, not only because you become a better sensor of it, but also because you begin to understand the principle that excitement is it's own self-contained kit and it's own driving engine. When you act on your excitement to the best of your ability every moment, you begin to experience synchronistically that the exciting thing you're doing actually contains all of the things you actually need to consider. And what it doesn't contain, you don't need to consider.

It's a self-contained kit that always perpetuates more of the same -- more excitement -- and brings with it the things that actually are important for you to look at in that process of continuing and expanding your excitement.

So, what doesn't come with it isn't part of that kit and has no business taking time in your life.

That's what you want. You want that passion. You want that vibration. You want to understand the excitement. What you translate as that feeling. That love, that passion IS the vibration of your true, natural self in the way you were actually created. That's why it's always the beacon to move toward. You're actually moving toward yourself, and more and more and more of yourself every time you are willing to take a step toward your excitement by acting on the situation that contains the most of it without cluttering it up with other things that actually are not a part of that excitement.

But, if those things come up, you don't deny them. You recognize they're there for a reason and the reason they're there are for you to understand what information they have for you, by processing them, that will tell you more about who you are so that in learning more of who you are you can continue to act more and more and more every day and every moment on more of your excitement.

I guarantee to all of you this is how life works and this is how it will become an ecstatic explosion of excitement and synchronicity the more that you trust it. The more that you live it. You will see that it is so. It will prove itself to you, but you have to take the first step. And remember: It is "believing is seeing." Not seeing is believing.

And the belief does not have to be foundationless. You will understand that what we are talking about here is simply pure physics. What you put out is what you get back. The more you demonstrate in your behavior to the Universe that you're willing to believe that what excites you the most IS what you're all about by your actions, the more the Universe will reflect more of that back to you.

But. Here's the polarized aspect of it. When you start acting on your joy, don't assume with expectation that you MUST see things outside of you change. They can and often will, and often very rapidly. When you change your vibration the outside will often change. However, if it doesn't immediately do so, don't assume you've done something wrong. Don't assume that you are not seeing a representation of your excitement.

Understand. Every single thing in physical reality, every single situation and circumstance serves double duty. They are all neutral props. They have no built in meaning.

So, you know that when you're following your joy you might still see the very same scenario all around you manifesting. The difference that let's you know there's a difference is that you respond differently to it than you did before. Not that IT looks different, it's that you ACT differently toward it than you did before.

That's what lets you know your reality has changed. No matter what it looks like, you're only going to get a positive effect out of it. No matter what anyone else's intention in that scenario may be toward you, the only effect you will get is the meaning you've given it. Even if it looks the same as it did a moment ago.

Bashar is a multi-dimensional being from our future channeled by Darryl Anka. Bashar is a wise and very loving being who talks about reality creation and related topics with energy and humor. Copyright Darryl Anka.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Abraham-Hicks on the world financial crisis

It's getting better. It's getting better. And it's going to be all right. It's better. It's getting better. And it's going to be all right.

And the sooner you can convince yourself that it is better than you thought it was and that it is getting better than it is right now -- and that it's not only going to be all right, it's going to be REALLY all right -- your prosperity can begin to come to you immediately.

Abraham-Hicks, Philadelphia, PA, 10/7/08 (from the YouTube video below)

Each of us gets to have our own perspective from which we desire or prefer, and Source Energy answers every single one of us. There's no shortage of Source; there's no shortage of answers; there's no shortage of substance. There's no shortage of all of the stuff or non-stuff that any of us wants -- there's no shortage of it. It expands proportionately to our ability to desire it.

Abraham-Hicks, 5/3/04

How do you ever get the truth to be more the way you want it to be? You've just got to start beating the drums of truth the way you want it to be -- and when you do, you will immediately feel good. And there are those who might say, "Oh, you're not facing the fact." And we say, we would never face any fact that was taking us to a place we don't want to be. There are those who believe that the world is getting more and more desperate. We are here to tell you that the world is getting better and better, and better, and that every experience you have causes you to launch rockets of desires, and Source comes in response to those rockets. And the best thing about your birth and death is that the resistant ones die and the allowing ones are born. And with this combination of contrast that keeps you launching new and new desires, it's no wonder that the Universe is expanding in this marvelous way and that life is getting better, in every day -- and in this moment -- for everyone who insists on focusing there.

Abraham-Hicks, 7/12/03-B

The Universe can please all of you at the same time. "Well, how can that be? If I want to live in the mountains and she wants to live at the ocean, how could the Universe possibly please us both?" And we say, as each of you gets to the essence of why you want what you want, and are not pointing at the other and saying, "No, no, not that, please not that," the Universe can fulfill both. Be playful. Know that it's going to be alright no matter what. Have as much fun as you can. Be as easy as you can. Don't take anything very seriously, because everything blows over, good and bad. You can't stand still. So nothing lasts very long. The best of experiences you must move beyond -- and the worst of experiences you must move beyond. Don't make where you are too big of a deal. Let it be what it is: It's a moment in time where you have the choice to feel good or feel bad. That's all that it ever is.

Abraham-Hicks, 5/8/01-B
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