Saturday, February 21, 2009

Abraham-Hicks, wellness, and realization I am an evolving being

You never intended to create your world through action, you intended to enjoy through action what you had created through thought.

Abraham-Hicks, San Francisco, CA, February 24, 2007

The point of this quote is that we create through our thinking, not through our action -- but when I read it I realized something else -- why resist anything? Everything I see in my life is what I created.

This doesn't seem like it would be an earthshaking realization for someone who is working with deliberately creating reality, but there are still old perspectives to shift -- for example, with my physical body.

Starting in late November I felt I was walking through heavy old energy and emotions. The shadow of this old energy was physical conditions happening one right after another for about three months -- including a few days in the hospital. Each condition was one that I've had more than once in the past.

I've had a desire for wellness since childhood. With any desire, if I don't have any resisting thought then the desire comes to me quickly.

If there are feelings, thoughts, and beliefs that block a desire -- whether from childhood or more recently -- they come up for me to experience and release. If I give those old thoughts power then I experience the results, don't let them go, and it's something I will work on again. If I work on them, the results get less and less intense each time. The illnesses weren't a bad thing at all -- they were "do overs" where I had the chance to let go of old thoughts and beliefs that were resisting my desire for wellness. Each condition was successfully released. I felt like I was taking a final exam for a deliberate creating course!

This time I became more aware that I am an evolving being. I don't have to be perfect -- even as a deliberate creator! I don't create from past thinking, but from present thinking so it will never be the same as it was. Whatever I do to feel better is perfect. I don't have to wrestle my mind and every thought into submission. I can let thoughts flow by in my stream of consciousness -- I don't have to sail them into my harbor and give them a home.

I'm getting more aware that I really am creating right here and now. Everything really is all right and, yes, I never get it done! This is what it is to be a deliberate creator.

There are no permanent, long-standing solutions to problems. There is only the constant reaching for vibrational balance.

Let’s say that you went to the guru of all gurus who zapped you with his magic wand and brought to a place of absolute, in-this-moment perfection, or let’s say you stood before Jesus or Buddha or one of these masters who was connected to source energy, who just blitzed your energy field and brought you to a place of pure, positive connection and in that moment you were well, and if any doctor examined you they would conclude this is a body in perfect wellness ­ we would say to you it is only there in your moment of allowing the energy to flow, and if you go home and talk about what happened before or remember how you were before, your energy shifts immediately and you are less well than you were.

Your wellness or illness, your allowing or resistance is something that’s happening in the moment.

Abraham-Hicks, Philadelphia, PA, 10/17/00
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:

Monday, February 16, 2009

I exist in a consciousness of love, unity, and peace

Today, in this perfect eternal moment, I am at peace with myself and who I am. I am free and I practice freedom in every thought, word, and deed. I enjoy my desires and I enjoy my part in manifesting my desires. I am happy with my life. I am doing the absolutely perfect thing in the perfect time and perfect place for my Well-Being. I am in harmony with my very loving Inner Being and joy is my experience. All is truly well and I am blessed beyond belief this beautiful day. So it is and so it shall be. Thank you Blessed Friend in Spirit and in Truth.

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Playing for Change: Song Around the World "Stand by Me"

There is a change sweeping the world -- a new consciousness that is blissfully emerging. We are all -- as individuals, families, nations, and dwellers of this planet -- regaining our awareness of the beings of Light that we are in truth. We are meant to live a life of joy and loving communities like Playing For Change are an expression of this transformation.

Playing For Change is a multimedia movement created to inspire, connect, and bring peace to the world through music.

Join the movement or just enjoy the music at

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Peace and Love -- Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks to my friend, Gina, for sending this lovely moment in time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Chief Joseph and John Cali on the spiritual awakening in this time of change

There is a great deal of beautiful information available to comfort and guide us in these turbulent times. Let's start with Chief Joseph and John Cali who share the positive meaning in the change we are experiencing:

Chief Joseph

Friends, your modern world is obsessed with power. Worldly power, that is. The power you perceive resides in money, governments, churches, armies, etc. Those entities did have power at one time, considerable power. But their "heyday" is done. It’s over with forever.

You are seeing evidence of this all around you. Your stock markets are plunging. Your governments are struggling to regain their old power. Your churches are losing their credibility. The world as you’ve known it seems to be falling apart. But it is not.

This is the beginning of your rebirth into new life, individually, as a planet, and as a race. New beginnings are often scary but always good.

You will see the truth of that in the coming days and months. You will not have to wait long to see further momentous changes in your lives and your world. The political election happening in the United States today is but the barest beginning of a brand new, and grand new, planet. All is well.

So how can you, individually, move into this new era with ease and joy?

It is critically important for you, especially now, to get consciously connected to Spirit. There is going to be chaos in your world the next few years. But you do not have to get sucked into it.

You are not victims. Claim your power. Get connected to Spirit. You will make it through this time of change if you remember who you are, trusting who you are.

You are all part of All That Is. You are all God. And you know, at the deepest level of your being, this time of change and challenge is but another step on your eternal journey of growth.

You know the old regime, the regime of worldly power, is on its deathbed. That’s the reason for the chaos you’re seeing and feeling all around you. But it is not the end. It is a new beginning.

This new beginning will preside over the death of old-world power. And it will officiate at the birth of new-world power.

That new-world power is your rebirth into conscious awareness. Taking responsibility for your lives, for your choices, for the paths you choose to follow. Conscious awareness of who you really are -- that’s what it’s all about.

This new conscious awareness has no need for worldly power. Because it knows it possesses the greatest power in the Universe -- the power of knowing who you are and why you are here. Knowing you are God.

More and more of you are waking up to this new power, and just letting go of the old power. You are helping the world, and all your sisters and brothers, move through this time of great change with more ease, grace, and love.

All is well. Be at peace.

Since 1992, John Cali has been communicating with a non-physical entity called Joseph. In one of his many physical lifetimes, this spirit was incarnated as the legendary Chief Joseph of the Nez Perce tribe in what is now the state of Oregon in the northwestern USA. These messages are a blend of information from Joseph, other spirits in the "Joseph group," and John.

Visit John's web site for more articles, information about readings, or to sign up for his newsletter, Sentinels of the Sky at

Article, "Connecting To Spirit," quoted from the Chief Joseph Newsletter, Conversations with Chief Joseph & John Cali, reprinted with permission of John Cali. Copyright © 2008 by John Cali. All rights reserved.