The only thing that makes the difference in the way you feel right now is the thought that you are thinking right now. It doesn't matter how much money you've got; there are joyful people with no money, and there are unhappy people with lots of money. How you feel is about how you are allowing the Source that is You to flow. So when we talk about the Art of Allowing, we're talking about the art of living; about the art of thriving; about the art of clarity. We're talking about the art of being who you really are.
Abraham-Hicks, 7/20/02
A couple of days ago I was mulling over the thought that the most powerful thing we can do as deliberate creators is to be who we really are. Who am I? Who are you? We are loving beings of energy having this physical experience for the joy of it.
Right now I'm working on how to take joyful action. I'm letting go of things I felt I "should" do and looking at how to make choices that feel good each day with everything I do. I'm trusting feelings of excitement and interest to guide me to what is perfect and just right for me in the moment.
I've been practicing segment intending and other techniques and they work well. I look within myself, listen, think about what I would like to do, feel for the one that feels best, send out my intentions, and take the action that goes with it. It just takes a minute and I find myself creating a rhythm. Everything is easier including tasks I put off before.
So how does this work day-to-day? There's work, money, health, washing the dishes, relationships -- the whole range of choices big and small for a day. To use a small example of following energy, my sister has been wanting to create a genealogy of one side of the family, but doesn't know how to use a computer. In the last couple of days I offered to help and did some research, but kept telling her I had so many other projects I couldn't work on it for long. The thing is that I'm finding some really interesting information after just a few hours of work -- an 1863 Civil War journal of a great-great-grandfather that was online -- mysteries about marriages.
My thoughts about doing the genealogy remind me of Abraham's example of asking for and resisting the red car in the same sentence: I want the red car, but I don't have enough money for it. I kept saying I didn't have enough time to work on this, but I felt a lot of enthusiastic energy when I explored online. This morning I decided to place my bets on the good feeling energy and I'm going to take a genealogy course at the library next week.
I'm using this small example of many choices that happen every day. All Abraham says is that we make choices in the moment that feel good. I don't know at this moment how genealogy fits in with the manifestation of desires I've sent out -- all I know is that right now I really enjoy it. Maybe it's just something to distract me while the big ones I desire come to me. I'm trusting that the money is here. The health is here. That all the things I want to be, do, and have are here. I've asked Source Energy to let me know clearly when I need to take action regarding work, health, doing the dishes, etc. So my work is to just feel good in the eternal Now of this moment. I like that job description! And as a bonus I'm finding that everything is falling into place more and more easily.
I understand now that the Universe answers me. By being who I truly am I make this process easy. I don't have to work through any discordant thoughts about what I was told about who I am and what I deserve. I don't have to fit in to anyone else's idea of what I need to do to be prosperous or healthy. All I have to do is be present in this moment and send out my desires -- they are answered.
.. the Universe got it piece by piece by piece and you can't comprehend all of the preferences that you have honed all at once. None of you can do that. None of you could stand right here and know yourselves and express yourselves to us as clearly as we know you.
In other words, not one of you could put it into words. Source Energy KNOWS who you are. And is offering response to it at all times. You just have to find a way to let it in.
And working too hard doesn't do it. And fretting over it doesn't do it. And jumping through hoops doesn't do it. And feeling unworthy and trying to achieve worthiness doesn't do it.
What does it is anything and everything that makes you feel good when you do it.
Abraham-Hicks, Buffalo, NY, 5/21/02
I write this in appreciation for the love that is All That Is.
All quotes are copyright Abraham-Hicks Publications. Visit the official Abraham site at:
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